Projects & News
Fulbright/National Science Foundation Arctic Research Award
From August 2023 to May of 2024 I will be carrying out acoustic surveys in Iceland's National Parks thanks to the support of the Fulbright/National Science Foundation Arctic Research Award, in association with the University of Iceland.
I'm looking forward to sharing the results of these surveys and the compostions that will result from this field work.
I am excited to share the culmination of my doctoral work: Resonance Ecology for Open Instrumentation and Electronics. This project involved field recording acorss the world from sub-antartic Chile to Iceland.
The performance of this piece would not have been possible without the musicians and friends who helped bring the piece to life.
Premeried Aprill 22, 2023 at the Merrill Ellis Theater in Denton, TX.
Presented in April 2022 in the courtyard of the University of North Texas College of Music, Sonic Ecosystem is an immersive hour long sound installation/performance, combining field recordings, audience sounds, and acoustic instruments.
It was a wonderful experience to spend a week travelling in Denali National Park and to use that inspiration to compose my piece, Further Down the Old Park Road.
Huge thanks to the Corvus Ensemble for performing the piece, to Stephen Lias for all his work organizaing and running the event, and to the other particpants in the program and all our great guides and educators who joined us.
Georgia Music Teacher's Association | Commissioned Composer
I am honored to serve as the commissioned composer for the 2021 GMTA Conference. My project will take field recordings from across state and use them as inspiration for a piece for Pierrot Ensemble.
This will be updated to include information about the premiere closer to Novemebr 2021.
Featured in Splice Festival IV, this piece uses real-time procesing controlled by motion information from a conductor or performer. These motions introduce a unique dynamic into the performance of the work, and disrupt the usual balance between condcutor, performer, and even composer.
The Splice Festival was originally scheduled to take place at the University of Georgia, but relocated to online becase of the pandemic. The members of the [MOD]ular ensmeble from UGA still recorded and presented to work online.
Padre Island Artist-In-Residence
For two weeks in March of 2020, I stayed at Padre Island National Seashore. On the coast of Texas, these protected beaches served as the inspiration for multiple pieces, including a clarinet solo performed by Brooke Miller, Slivers Wavering Into Horizons.
This project began right as the world was closing down due to Covid-19, and provided an apt contrast to the months that would follow.
For my Master's thesis, I traveled across the American Southwest to more than a dozen National Parks and WIlderness Presevers. There I carried out field recordings, capturing the sounds of birds, wind, and other natural and human sounds. These recordings then formed the basis of a cycle of four works for full orchestra and electronics.
Flat, one portion of the cycle, was performed by the Fort Worth Symphony.
The entire cycle was recorded by the UNT Symphony Orchestra